Home Free’s music has grown since it’s earliest experimental days. In the early days, the band played a variety of songs. And fans have found some of these songs to be absolutely essential for new fans to listen to. And here’s a short list of some of these songs.

“I Can’t Outrun You” is an excellent single. It is an emotional song about heartbreak with hard-hitting lyrics supported by the backup singers. It also features a heartmelting melody that enchants listeners and carries them along on journeys.

Next be sure to check Home free’s cover of Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire”. This soulful and slower paced cover of the song has a wonderful quintet vocal sound that fans responded well to. In fact, when this song was performed at The Sing Off it earned a standing ovation from the audience and the judges.

Finally, take a moment to check out “Cross That Bridge”. This song tells a fun story about summer love between teens. It also has summery imagery of riding bikes and skipping stones and the forbidden nature of loving someone your parents don’t approve of.